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Safety Insights

  • What is a Speed Hump?

    What is a Speed Hump?

    A speed hump is a class of traffic calming devices, which uses various sizes of humps to slow vehicles through a designated area. They are designed to enforce a speed low speed...

  • Exciting Changes at Enforcer: Our Rebrand Journey

    Exciting Changes at Enforcer: Our Rebrand Journey

    Enforcer is embarking on an exciting new chapter with a fresh rebrand that reflects our unwavering commitment to providing premium Car Park, Road, and Traffic Safety Products. Our new look...

  • How to Install a Speed Hump Easy

    How to Install a Speed Hump Easy

    Speed hump installation guide An effective tool for controlling speed limits and protecting pedestrians, speed humps are both effective and simple to install. Don't have time to install it yourself?...

  • How Bollards Create Traffic Safety?

    How Bollards Create Traffic Safety?

    Bollards are sturdy and versatile structures with a wide range of applications, from traffic control to perimeter protection. At Enforcer Group, we take pride in offering high-quality bollards that prioritise...

  • A Guide To Bollard Spacing and Installation

    A Guide To Bollard Spacing and Installation

    A Guide To Bollard Spacing and Installation Bollards are an essential safety item in a range of environments, from safeguard storefronts to parking lot safety. They help to protect property,...

  • 7 Reasons Why Traffic Rules And Signs Are Important

    7 Reasons Why Traffic Rules And Signs Are Important

    Drivers often take traffic signs for granted and don’t think too deeply about their importance. But without them, there would be terrible consequences, like a higher risk of accidents and injury, and...

  • The Different Types Of Speed Hump

    The Different Types Of Speed Hump

    Speed humps save lives Speed humps are designed to control traffic by forcing motorist to slow down, thus protecting pedestrians. They can be installed in both indoor and outdoor areas,...

  • Quality Traffic Safety Products & Service

    Quality Traffic Safety Products & Service

    Traffic safety and security are often underestimated. Yet they play a crucial role in preventing injuries and saving lives. Simple traffic signs and equipment are the unsung heroes that keep...