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Removable Bollards

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    More About Removable Bollards

    Delivering Removable Bollards Anywhere in Australia

    Keeping your premises safe is no laughing matter. There are so many security measures that business owners can take. From installing security cameras and alarm systems, to lighting and signage. These are all effective measures, but it can be worth implementing some extra precautions.

    In particular, removable stainless steel bollards have become more and more common in cities, as well as the suburbs around Australia. They're responsible for restricting pedestrian and vehicle access to create traffic safety. You've probably seen them when walking through any Australian CBD like Perth, Sydney or Melbourne. If you haven’t ever considered blockades, now is the time.

    Should You Install Removable Steel Bollards?

    Steel bollards offer a number of benefits. Firstly, they're best for controlling site entrances and can be a serious deterrent to thieves. Bollards are also perfect solutions to stop ram raiding, which is great for shop fronts and warehouses. Removable barriers are commonly placed in front of driveways, roller doors, laneways, or carparks to create traffic access solutions. The drop down style of bollards allow for managed traffic, controlling site access, and ensuring pedestrian safety. Made from high quality stainless steel, you can rest assured that our premium bollards can stop nearly any vehicle in its tracks.

    The real beauty of removal bollards is that they are, indeed, removable. You can install or remove them at particular times of the day or night, and for events. Enforcer Group is a leading provider of removable bollards to clients in Melbourne, Sydney and throughout Australia. From car parks, airports, warehouses, retail stores, city planning and more, we care about helping our clients to increase their safety and security for their employees and customers, as well as pedestrians.

    Removable Bollards You Can Count On

    At Enforcer Group, our super strong bollards are made to last. We also offer a wide variety of Car Park and Traffic Safety solutions for in and around your premises, including wheel stops, speed humps, road spikes, traffic cones and line marking services. 

    Call us on 1300 854 010 to discuss your safety or security needs or to request a quote. Alternatively, send an email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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