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Best Bike Rack Options for Business

Best Bike Rack Options for Business

Bike racks are essential for businesses where customers are required to visit, or for businesses with a large number of employees. Environmental sustainability is a trend that continues to grow exponentially over time, with more and more people looking for greener methods of travel. Providing stakeholders with the ability to visit your premises and not have to worry about their bike being stolen is a good step for businesses to take. A bike rack doesn't just provide secure parking for bikes, but also for E scooters and similar modes of transport, which have become extremely popular over the last year or two. 

Best bike racks for business 


As the name suggests, this bike rack is a hooped design with a thick steel pipe for high security. Sold individually, they can be placed in a linear or diagonal fashion with your choice of spacing in between for ultimate flexibility on the look you're trying to achieve. In terms of installation, there are two distinct types of hooped bike racks, in ground and surface mounted. An in ground rack requires a concrete pour, which solidifies and protects it from theft. However, this type is difficult to relocate should it be required, if you think your bike racks could be moved at some point, a surface mounted one is best suited to your needs.Surface mounted bike racks are installed on concrete using bolts attached to the flanges (rack bases). Flanges can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including rounded, rectangle and square. The beauty of a surface mount is the ability to quickly and easily relocate the rack.

Shop hooped bike racks online now.

Coat hanger

Coat hanger bike racks are ideal for spaces with busy bike parking. Also known as multi bay, the design allows for mutiple bikes to be parked within the various steel pipes. Enforcer Group stocks coat hanger racks for storage of between 7-10 bikes depending on the size chosen. This type of rack is great for its additional bike security, the coat hangers allow for both the frame and front wheel to be locked as opposed to the hooped design. The only real downside to this type, is that it only comes in a surface mount design so it's not as protected from theft. That being said, the design offers something different to its hooped counter part and also also allows for simple relocation.

Shop coat hanger bike racks online now.